How to Create a Repo-scoped Github Access Token in an Organization Account
July 9, 2021
Evidently, the only way to trigger a Github Action from a third-party (e.g. headless CMS) is via a repository_dispatch event. The only tricky part is that the request must be authenticated by an Access Token.
curl \
-H "Authorization: token {ACCESS TOKEN}"
-H "Accept: application/vnd.github.v3+json" \{org}/{repo}/dispatches \
-d '{"event_type":"rebuild_static_site","client_payload":{"post_id":54}}}'
The problem with personal Access Tokens is that, by default, they give access to every repo you have access to. When working on private repos in organizational accounts at work, this is a non-starter!
Unfortunately, the only way to generate an Access Token scoped to a repository (public or private) in your organization is via a Github App. Hopefully this won't always be the case, but for now you can follow these steps to set one up in a few minutes:
Step 1: Create a new Github App
Give it a short unique name (max length is 34 characters).
Uncheck "Expire user authorization tokens" and leave "Callback URL" blank
Uncheck "Active" checkbox under "Webhook" and leave "Webhook URL" blank
Under "Repository Permissions" find "Contents" and enable Read & Write access.
Since this Github action is for an Organization Account, you'll need to allow it to be installed on "Any Account". That makes the app Public, but it will not compromise your Access Token, since that's generated when you install it.
Click "Create Github App".
Step 2: Jot down the App ID and download the Private Key file (PEM)
You'll need these for step #4.
The App ID should be near the top of the page.
Download the PEM (private key) file.
Step 3: Install the App on your Organization Account
The link to install it should show up in the left-hand menu

Jot down the Installation ID from the App Installation page that shows up after installing. You'll need this in the next step.
Step 4: Extract Access Token using Node library
Install github-app-installation-token and use it to extract the repo-specific Access Token from your new Github App.
You'll need the following data:
- App ID (from step #2)
- Installation ID (from step #3)
- Private Key (PEM file in step #2)
There are detailed instructions for using this library in the README.
After running the script it should give you an Access Token, e.g.
{ token: 'ghs_jksGSQQkmtXSthnGnCsb9AY9yTWU58jhytm6' }
Step 5: You're done!
You can now use this Access Token to trigger a repository_dispatch
event and fire a Github Action in your organization's private repo.
curl \
-H "Authorization: token ghs_jksGSQQkmtXSthnGnCsb9AY9yTWU58jhytm6"
-H "Accept: application/vnd.github.v3+json" \ \
-d '{"event_type":"rebuild_static_site","client_payload":{"post_id":54}}'
Comments are welcome!